How to clean white Puma shoes

Abbas Anwar


How to clean white Puma shoes at home. Very easy way to clean your white shoe within 10 TO 15 minutes. Good information for everyone. Read this article and clean with Puma shoes.

Clean white Puma shoes

Hey guys do you like white shoes well

most people do because they just look

really good with most of the outfits

The only problem is they get dirty really

quick so what are the best ways to clean

white shoes at home well that’s what

we’re gonna look at it in this article so

let’s jump right into it now just very

quick if your first time here on my

Website I’m Abbas Anwar and welcome to

D LM model lifestyle because it is

prescribing and also clicking the

identification bellow so you won’t miss

any of the next articles now let’s start


Clean white shoe toothpaste

with the first tip first way of how you

can clean white shoe toothpaste

yes toothpaste will not only just widen

your teeth but it will also whiten your

shoes but stay away from colored

toothpaste just use non-gel white

toothpaste and your old toothbrush and

then just clean it then leave it for 10

to 15 minutes and wipe the toothpaste

off your shoe and then you can repeat it

if it’s necessary

Clean white shoe toothpaste

Clean your shoes

the second way you can clean your shoes

Israel faking sir this is my favorite

because it works great first get a bowl

and one tablespoon of hot water one

tablespoon of white vinegar and one

tablespoon of baking soda now just mix

all of it together until it looks like

this paste-like consistency and then you

just get your toothbrush and you start

brushing I just remember it’s not gonna

get white immediately so don’t stress

discover your shoes and shoelaces with

the paste and leave it in the shade to

dry not the Sun because it’s not good

for your shoes and just wait a few hours

for it to dry and then just slap it

together and remove the dry paste and


you got white shoes again now I heard

some people talking about bleaching

white shoes can you do that well yes you

can but it’s not the best option you got

to be very careful here because if you

use too much bleach your white beautiful

The bleach diluted

shoes can turn yellow so you got a

dilute the bleach diluted with water

around one part bleach to five parts

water that’ll work but you got to be

careful and then you can also get a shoe

cleaning kit from CREP or adjacent mark

I’ll add it for you in an article

down below that you can check out

there are others as well and let me know

what are your best options for cleaning

white shoes at home I’d love to hear

about it in a comment section down below.

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